Taking Death Read online

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  Donna laughed. When he spoke his whole face lit up. She'd never met anyone so suited to his profession as Jon was. She could probably listen to him for hours talk about his work.

  "I never thought about where the art in a gallery came from. I mean, I knew someone created it, but never thought about the creative process."

  "Not a closet artist?"

  "No, not at all."

  "Do you not do anything creative?"

  "No, sorry. In my business being creative in your job is frowned upon. And illegal."

  Jon let out a laugh. "I guess it would."

  "Are you creative?"

  "Not really, but I understand the process."

  Putting her fork down, she leaned her chin on her hand. "What do you do for fun?"

  "I like outdoor sports and I'm involved a little in politics, but it's too soon to talk about that."

  Politics or sports? Sports would be a more neutral topic. "Outdoor sports. Such as?"

  "Skiing. Snowboarding, things like that."

  "I've never done either of those things."

  He patted her hand. "Then we'll have to go skiing this winter."

  He was already making plans for a few months away. The idea didn't bother her. Right now, she hoped this night never ended.


  The night did end, but Donna readied herself for Saturday's afternoon date with Jon.

  Oddly, she didn't have another burglary target. Usually when she finished one job, she'd know what the next one was.

  There were several she had put off or had not been able to complete. She could choose one of those. As she dried her hair, she made a decision to make a decision on Sunday. He'd told her to dress casually so she did in jeans and a nice blouse.

  "No need to think about it now."

  Jon picked her up this time. In a limousine. A stretch one that barely fit on her block in DUMBO.


  He smiled as he held the door for her. "I love when you say that."

  She slid onto the seat. The privacy partition had already been put up between them and the driver. Jon slid in beside her taking her hand in his.

  "Where are we going?" Donna asked.

  "To dinner."

  She looked around the back of the limo. "Dinner? I could have met you."

  "No, you couldn't have. Champagne?"

  He poured some from a bottle already open. She sipped, taking in the fine sparkling wine. This was living.

  "Where are we going?"

  "Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

  The first place the limousine stopped was at a terminal for the Staten Island Ferry.

  "I've never taken this," Donna admitted.

  "Good. We'll get some great views."

  Jon helped her onto the ferry and a few minutes later it set off. He'd brought the bottle of champagne and their glasses. Donna wasn't sure that was legal, but she wasn't going to say anything until someone complained.

  "I wish sometimes we had a better view of New Jersey than Bayonne," Jon said, touching her glass with his."

  "But we have a nice view looking back of Manhattan," Donna said.

  They stood at the back of the ferry watching New York City recede. Well, slightly.

  "So what did you do with your Saturday morning," Jon asked as they leaned against the railing. The wind blew his hair. He looked odd with it disheveled. She'd never seen him this way. He wore a turtleneck and corduroy trousers. On his feet he had a pair of Crocs.

  "Not anything exciting. Where are we going?"

  As much as she was enjoying the ferry ride, she still wanted an itinerary.

  "Just enjoy the ride."

  "I'm sorry. I guess I'm a control freak," she said.

  She turned away from. While sipping her champagne, she enjoyed the view. The sun sat high in the sky and warmed them on a chilly fall day.

  "I'm getting that impression," he said.

  When she looked back at him, his smile was warm. She couldn't take offense.

  After the hour long ferry ride, the limousine picked them up again.

  "Can I ask where to now?"

  "No," he said.

  She leaned closer to him. "Maybe I like this more than I let on."

  His lidded eyes looked at her. "Oh?"

  "Yeah, maybe being swept off my feet is a good thing."

  He glanced at her lips then back to her eyes. She decided to let him know what she wanted. So she leaned in and kissed him.

  When she moved away, he hooked his hand around her head and brought her back for another kiss. His warm lips took possession of hers. She deepened the kiss. Her heart raced in her chest.

  "Wow," she said when he finally let her go.

  A smile creased his face as his breathing slowed. "Good."

  Donna put her head on his shoulder and snuggled closer as Manhattan went by outside the darkened glass. Feeling as if she'd come home after a long trip, she didn't want this to end.

  Jon put his arms around her, holding her close. The gesture made her feel safe. If anyone had asked her, she wouldn't have asked for safe, but this felt quite nice.

  After driving through the traffic, the limousine arrived at the New York Botanical Gardens.

  "I've never been," Donna said.

  "You need to partake of what New York has to offer," Jon said holding her door open.

  She disembarked and then they entered a world of plants like no other.

  After wandering around the gardens for a few hours, Jon ushered Donna through a door that said, "Authorized Personnel Only."

  "We shouldn't go in there."

  "It's okay. I have permission."

  The door led into a greenhouse not open to the public. In the middle of it, was a small cafe table set for two people.


  Jon just smiled and led her to the table. "We're having dinner here."

  "I'm not going to say it again, but that's how I feel," Donna said.

  A chuckle rumbled out of him as he sat across from her. A tuxedoed waiter appeared with an open bottle of wine. Donna's champagne buzz had dissipated because of all the walking they'd done.

  Before tasting, she swirled the wine in her glass. Jon sniffed the bouquet. She followed suit.

  "I like the berry burst in the nose," she said.

  "Me, too."

  The taste did not let her down. Berry notes with a hint of pepper. "Nice."

  The waiter reappeared with plates of salad, then disappeared again. Arugula, pine nuts and olives had been dressed with a raspberry vinaigrette.

  "He's unobtrusive," she said.

  "I paid extra for that."

  Donna had to laugh. She was having such a good time. Twilight had begun since they'd been in the gardens. She looked up and in a few minutes what few stars could be seen from New York would show themselves.

  "I bet this would be an even better view in the country," she said.

  "I think the view is just wonderful."

  She looked back at him to find him staring at her. A smile curled her lips. She couldn't have stopped it if you'd threatened her. No man had ever wooed her like this.

  "So are you really this amazing."

  He straightened in his chair. "I'd like to think so."

  She laughed again. "A girl could get used to this."

  "I'd like this girl to get used to it. That way you'll never want to leave me."

  She studied him as she thought about how fast this relationship was moving. By now, on the third date, she'd normally be putting on the brakes. But this felt right and good.

  Her gut was telling her to go for it.

  She leaned in to kiss him. Again. She couldn't seem to stop.


  Monday morning found Donna at her desk, thinking about Jon instead of her work and instead of what she was going to steal next.

  She shook herself. With Christmas a month away, she wanted to be able to give to a charity with what she stole. It was her Christmas tradition. So she had to think about it
or the time would get away from her.

  Kelly walked in with an armload of files.

  "What are those?"

  "I'm just cleaning off my desk. I need to file these in your file cabinet."

  Donna waved a hand at the cabinet behind her. "Go ahead. I'm not getting much done anyway."

  She moved her chair aside so Kelly could do her work. As she waited, she remembered a diamond bracelet a customer of Jon's had worn. He'd invited her to an opening of a more established artist. Lots of moneyed customers showed up.

  She'd struck up a conversation with the owner of the bracelet. In fact, they'd been invited to the owner's house. Donna had itched to steal the bracelet then, but knew it was too obvious. Had the dinner been a party instead of two couples getting together, she would have done it.

  But, she did get the layout of the house and where the jewelry box sat on the dresser. On top of that Jon had invited that couple to another opening at his gallery so they would not be at home tonight.

  Having already told Jon she'd be late to the event, she had a perfect situation to steal the bracelet.

  "Penny for your thoughts," Kelly said.

  Donna smiled. "I'm just thinking about Jon of course. I've never dated anyone so sophisticated and moneyed, but down to earth."

  "Down to earth is good. Is this serious?"

  "It might be. Jon wants to talk to me about something tonight."

  "The question?"

  Donna shook her head, shifting in her chair. "I don't think so."

  "Living together?"

  "That seems more like it," Donna said.

  "Are you ready?"

  "I don't know. I figure I'll know the answer when the question gets asked."

  "Going with your gut. Always a good idea."

  Chapter 4

  Donna's step could not be lighter as she entered Jon's gallery. Before she left for work, her boss had told her she was getting a promotion. That came with a substantial raise. She'd be moving the tax department.

  On top of that, when she went to steal the diamond bracelet, she netted a pearl necklace that she hoped was real.

  A good crowd had turned out for Jon's latest show. The artist was a little too modern and abstract for Donna, but she couldn't like everything Jon showed.

  She searched the room for her lover. The jewelry burned a hole in her pocket as she didn't have enough time to drop them at home before she had to be at the gallery. A warm hand on her shoulder startled her.

  Turning, she found a smiling Jon. "I was hoping you were going to make it. I know you don't like this artist, but I appreciate that you came here for me."

  She kissed him lightly on the lips. "I did come here for you. I have some news, but I'll share later."

  "Good news?"

  "Very good news."

  "I have a few people for you to meet."

  "Sure thing."

  She was used to Jon showing her off in a sense. At first she'd balked, but he loved her and was proud of her being in his life. That was how he explained it.

  Donna followed him around as he introduced her to some very rich people. Part of her eyed their jewelry while trying not to be obvious. She didn't have another job lined up.

  Dating Jon had opened up so many avenues for her. She dines in some of the finest restaurants in the city. Jon had even taken her to see an opera. He also introduced her to a better clientele to steal from.

  She wondered what he would think of that?

  The night finally ended and Jon locked the gallery front door behind the artist who left last. He turned to Donna who stood taking in the quiet and the art. A peaceful moment after the hubbub of the party.

  "Good night?"

  "I think so. What did the artist think?"

  "He sold a bunch of things and he wants to book his next show?"

  Jon walked towards her. He took her hand, leading her to the middle of the floor.

  "That's good for him and you."

  He kissed her. "Wait here."


  He strode towards the back room. "Wait here, I said."

  So she did. The only lights still on were the ones over the display. She knew from closing the gallery with Jon that he still had to pull down a gate over the front window. And when he turned off the switch for the display lights, a security light would come on.

  A passerby could see into the gallery, but not clearly enough to know what was worth stealing. Of course she'd already checked it out, not that she had an intention of stealing from Jon.

  He returned with one of his hands behind his back.

  "I have something for you."

  She smiled. He always had little gifts for her.

  But then he went down on one knees."


  Her mouth hung open as he brought his hand up for her to see the small box. "Open it."

  She took it from him, her hands shaking. Opening it, she gasped. In it sat a diamond ring. It had a large diamond with several smaller ones around it. He took the box from her hand, then slid the ring on her finger.

  "Donna, will you marry me?"

  She knew the answer with all of her being. As if she'd known him all her life or that he was the other half of her. "Yes."

  A giant grin broke out on Jon's face as he rose to kiss her. "You've made me the happiest man on earth."


  Donna lay awake in bed after Jon had fallen asleep. Small snores emanated from him.

  She made a major decision. Tonight had been her last theft. Her raise would help her with finances and charity. Besides, Jon made a boatload of money that she could use for good purposes.

  Tomorrow she'd see her fence and let him know she was done.

  Not tomorrow. No, she thought. After he sold her last theft, she'd tell him.

  "You okay?" Jon said.

  He started her out of her reverie. "Couldn't be better. Just going through details."

  "Of course you would." He chuckled.

  "Well there are a lot of them to a wedding. Including the date we have to pick."

  He rolled over and rested his arm across her. "Right now? At three in the morning we have to pick a date?"

  "No, but there are other details to work out."

  He kissed the side of her face. "In the morning. You'll have my undivided attention. Go to sleep."

  She snuggled closer to him, liking the feel of his warm, masculine body next to hers. Liking that she'd wake up every morning with him next to her from now on.


  Having sublet her apartment, Donna moved in with Jon. She brought all of her clothes and personal items, but left the furniture behind. She liked his style and his stuff was in better shape.

  On her way home from work the next week, she'd stopped by to see her fence for one last time. Now the money from that score was in her pocket.

  Thankfully Jon wasn't nosy. He wouldn't have any reason to go through her clothing. The two hadn't yet joined bank accounts so she could deposit the cash in small amounts.

  Then she'd be done. Finished with her life of crime. The meeting with her face had been cathartic. A chapter had ended and a new one was beginning.

  She opened the door to the apartment to smell something wonderful.

  Jon rushed around the kitchen, in an apron.

  "You cooked," Donna said. She put her briefcase down by the front door.

  "I dabbled and decided I had a hankering for soup so I made it."

  "Smells yummy."

  She'd never been a girl to dream about domestic bliss. Somehow it had found her and she couldn't be happier.

  "Go take off your work clothes and get comfortable. I'll pour you a glass of wine," Jon said.

  She shook her head a grin plastered to her face. "How did I get so lucky?"

  Donning her sweatpants, she wondered, truly, how had she gotten so lucky? She hadn't been looking and Jon fell into her lap.

  Settling herself at the breakfast bar, she sipped her glass of wine. "Soup, huh?"
  "Yes, I love soup."

  "I'm starving so I'm sure I'll love it too."

  He filled a bowl then slid it to her. "Try this."

  She took a spoonful of the most amazing concoction she'd ever tasted. The flavors did a tango on her tongue. "Wow."

  She'd lost count of how many times she said that anymore. Jon slid onto the seat next other, his own steaming bowl in front of him. He took a tentative spoonful then closed his eyes.

  "I did good," he said.

  "Yes, you did."

  "What are your plans for tomorrow night?"

  She searched her brain. Her nights became freer when she decided to give up thieving. "I'm pretty much open."

  "The gallery is open late. Can you come by before closing and we'll have a late dinner out? Then I want to show you something."

  She swallowed a spoonful of soup. "Sounds good. What do you have to show me?"

  "I'll show you when I show you. It can wait until then. Now, we have to set a date."


  Donna sat in her boss' office a little overwhelmed. He'd been outlining her new job. She didn't grasp all the details, but she would in time.

  "You'll now have five people under you, but if you grow the business, we will give you more," He said.

  Ken Burkman sat behind a large desk in his corner office. He wore a nice suit, but it wasn't a designer nor was it as tailored as Jon's suits were. She smiled inwardly that she noticed that.

  "I've never been a marketing person, how does one grow this business?"

  "Referrals mainly. Usually after tax time. If you've saved your client a bundle of money that person will brag about it. Make sure your clients have your cards."

  "Makes sense."

  Her head spun from all the information her boss had disseminated to her but she wouldn't change it for the world. Tax code excited her. It was constantly changing and only if you kept on top of it, as she did, could you use it to your client's advantage.

  She rubbed her hands together. "I'm psyched about this Ken."

  "I am, too. I know you've always wanted to do more with taxes. I'm glad I can offer you that opportunity. I had no one else in mind when this position came up."